topic: Animal Poems

Poems about animals and pets, both real and imaginary.

I Took My Doggy for a Walk by Kenn Nesbitt
I Took My Doggy for a Walk
Don’t Rat on a Mouse
My Puppy Ate My Earbuds by Kenn Nesbitt
My Puppy Ate My Earbuds
Deep Sea Dance by Kenn Nesbitt
Deep Sea Dance
My Dog Is Always Shivering by Kenn Nesbitt
My Dog Is Always Shivering
My Dog Likes to Dig by Kenn Nesbitt
My Dog Likes to Dig
Everyone's Screaming by Kenn Nesbitt
Everyone’s Screaming
The Birds Are Chirping Happily by Kenn Nesbitt
The Birds Are Chirping Happily
I Listen to My Chicken
I Rode a Rainbow Unicorn by Kenn Nesbitt
I Rode a Rainbow Unicorn
My Dog Ate My Homework
When Puppies Play Baseball by Kenn Nesbitt
When Puppies Play Baseball
My Parents Both Are Humans by Kenn Nesbitt
My Parents Both Are Humans
A Hippo Is Bounding around on My Head
Bow Wow Wow, Meow, Meow
November is Upon Us by Kenn Nesbitt
November Is upon Us
What to Do With a Dinosaur
If You're Swallowed by an Elephant by Kenn Nesbitt
If You’re Swallowed by an Elephant
My Brother Might Be Bigfoot by Kenn Nesbitt
My Brother Might Be Bigfoot
My Brother Was Brought by a Bunny
A Goat in a Landfill
Our Cat Likes the Vacuum by Kenn Nesbitt
Our Cat Likes the Vacuum
I’m Wearing My Parrot
The Cow on the Hill by Kenn Nesbitt
The Cow on the Hill