Kenn Nesbitt's Nursery Rhymes
If you are looking for the same-old traditional Mother Goose nursery rhymes, you've come to the wrong place! These are fun nursery rhymes for kids written by Kenn Nesbitt. Some are funny "new-fangled" versions of Mother Goose poems, while others are sweet little rhymes written for toddlers and beginning readers.
Read and Rate these Fun Nursery Rhymes
Here are the most recently added nursery rhymes for you to read and rate. I post more nursery rhymes regularly, so please check back often. Have fun!
Most Popular Nursery Rhymes
Right now, these are the most popular nursery rhymes on the website, as rated by you! These will change as you rate more of them!
More, More, More Fun Nursery Rhymes...
And here are a whole lot more nursery rhymes for you to read. These rhymes are also ranked by popularity (with the most popular ones at the top), so don't be surprised if they change position when you rate them.
Read them all? Want more? Click here for hundreds more funny poems.