I Took My Doggy for a Walk
From the book My Cat Knows Karate
I took my doggy for a walk.
I thought it would be fun.
The moment that we got outside
he took off at a run.
I gripped the handle of his leash.
It instantly pulled tight.
My dog was strong. He ran so fast
I practically took flight.
He pulled me through the neighborhood.
(My doggy likes to roam.)
I bumped and bounced and banged around
until he ran back home.
So now I’m bruised and battered
like a ratty, tattered rag.
I took my doggy for a walk.
He took me for a drag.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2018. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 1
Topics: Animal Poems
Poetic Techniques: Alliteration, Consonance, Imagery, Metaphor and Simile, Narrative Poems, Onomatopoeia
Word Count: 102
Click here for a printable worksheet for this poem
From the book My Cat Knows Karate
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