Here are links to other websites you may enjoy, organized by category.
- About Kenn Nesbitt
Links to biographical information, interviews and other information about children’s poet Kenn Nesbitt
- Children’s Poetry Blogs
Blogs about children’s poetry and children’s literature
- Children’s Poets
Websites of published children’s poets
- Classics
Classic children’s poetry
- Contests
Poetry-writing contests for children
- Cool Stuff for Kids
These aren’t poetry websites, but they are so cool that I just had to link to them
- Games
Poetry and word games on the Internet
- Links for Teachers and Parents
Useful links for teachers and parents
- Magazines
Magazines that include children’s poetry
- Music
Children’s singers, songwriters, musicians and performers
- Podcasts
Poetry podcasts for kids
- Poetry Websites
Children’s poetry websites
- Poets Who Visit Schools
School visit information about poets who visit schools to teach poetry
- Publish Your Poetry
Places to publish your poems online
- Software
Computer software for poets and other writers
- Writing Resources
Useful resources for poets, songwriters and authors