Everyone’s Screaming
From the book A Festival for Frogs
Everyone’s screaming and running away.
They’re fleeing the beach in a panic today.
They’re heading for home in a heck of hurry.
It’s something to see as they scramble and scurry.
Some run like a rabbit. Some flap like a goose.
Some jump like a monkey, or scoot like a moose.
Some leap like a lemur, or bound like a bear,
or sprint like a stallion, or maybe a mare.
Some spring like a cheetah or hop like a frog.
This started the second I called for my dog.
This never occurs when we go to the park.
I’m thinking I shouldn’t have named my dog “Shark.”
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 3
Topics: Animal Poems, Beach Poems
Poetic Techniques: Alliteration, Assonance, Descriptive Poems, Imagery, List Poems, Repetition
Word Count: 110
From the book A Festival for Frogs
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