topic: Imaginary Poems

Imaginative poems about imaginary things.

This Poem's Not About a Dog by Kenn Nesbitt
This Poem’s Not About a Dog
Springy Sidewalk
My Purple Unicorn by Kenn Nesbitt
My Purple Unicorn
Help! by Kenn Nesbitt
As I Was Walking Down the Street
I Was Sitting by My Window
I Spotted a Pie on the Sidewalk by Kenn Nesbitt
I Spotted a Pie on the Sidewalk
The Pretzel, the Pig, and the Baby Baboon
Don’t Think About a Zebra
A Fish in a Spaceship
Glurp the Purple Alien
It’s Raining in My Bedroom
One Warm Sunny Day by Kenn Nesbitt
One Warm, Sunny Day
My Invisible Dragon
A Sheep is Asleep On My Sofa
Today We Had Some Weather
When Flowers Wake Each Morning by Kenn Nesbitt
When Flowers Wake Each Morning
Bubble Wrap, Bubble Wrap
I Dreamed I Was Riding a Zebra
I Lost My Head by Kenn Nesbitt
I Lost My Head
The Lamps Were All Delighted by Kenn Nesbitt
The Lamps Were All Delighted
Learning to Fly by Kenn Nesbitt
Learning to Fly
I Made a Wish
Riding a Rainbow by Kenn Nesbitt
Riding a Rainbow

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