When Flowers Wake Each Morning
When flowers wake each morning
they don’t have to make their beds.
And lettuce leaves aren’t told to comb
the hair upon their heads.
You’d never tell asparagus
it shouldn’t play with spears.
You’d never ask a stalk of corn
to wash behind its ears.
A mushroom doesn’t have to
clean its room, and you’ll agree
a tree won’t have to study hard
to learn geometry.
I guess it should be obvious
from listening to my rant.
I’m tired of being a person;
I would rather be a plant.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 3
Topics: Imaginary Poems, Wordplay
Poetic Techniques: Alliteration, List Poems, Pun Poems, Wordplay
Word Count: 94
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