Springy Sidewalk
From the book The Aliens Have Landed at Our School!
The people outside on the sidewalk
can’t seem to remain on the ground.
They’re jumping and hopping and springing,
and generally bouncing around.
I’ve never seen anything like it.
It’s such an unusual scene,
as if they have springs in their sneakers,
or bounce on a big trampoline.
I think I know what may have happened
that caused this chaotic event:
Last week they replaced our old sidewalk
with one made of rubber cement!
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2001. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 5
Topics: Imaginary Poems, Wacky Weirdness
Poetic Techniques: Alliteration, Assonance, Descriptive Poems, Imagery, Metaphor and Simile
Word Count: 76
From the book The Aliens Have Landed at Our School!
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