poem length: Medium

These poems take about 1 to 1 1/2 minutes to read.

I Let My Mind Wander
You’re Not Supposed to Touch Your Face
The Elephant Repairman by Kenn Nesbitt
The Elephant Repairman
Mr. Right by Kenn Nesbitt
Mr. Right
While Strolling Down the Beach Today
Captain Impossible by Kenn Nesbitt
Captain Impossible
My Sister Thinks She’s Santa Claus
Melinda Made a Snowman
My Absolutely True Life Story by Kenn Nesbitt
My Absolutely True Life Story
A Tiny, Spiny Dinosaur
How Not to Cook by Kenn Nesbitt
How Not to Cook
This Poem's Not About a Dog by Kenn Nesbitt
This Poem’s Not About a Dog
Frank the Friendly Alien
Wishing for Fish
Merlo the Magnificent
I’ve Seen My Kitchen Sink
What to Remember in School
My Hamster Has a Skateboard
My Brother’s a Bother
Today’s My Favorite Holiday
As I Was Walking Down the Street
A Centaur Goes Out Shopping
Minecraft Mike