While Strolling Down the Beach Today

While strolling down the beach today
I came upon a lamp.
It was dusty, it was dirty,
it was dingy, it was damp.

It appeared that all it needed
to restore it was a scrub,
so I dug it from the salty sand
and gave a little rub.

In a moment it was glistening.
Then, right before my eyes
there appeared a purple genie
of incalculable size.

He was massive and magnificent
and glorious and grand,
and he bowed and said dramatically,
“Your wish is my command.”

It was then I did the stupid thing
I now regret I did,
for I know I’ll never be again
an ordinary kid.

I considered just a moment,
then I looked him in the eye
and I asked that giant genie,
“Would you please make me a pie?”