Category: News

How to Write a Triolet

How to Write a Triolet

Have you ever wanted to try your hand at a type of poem with a unique pattern? Let’s dive into the magical world of the triolet (pronounced “tree-oh-lay”). The triolet is a short and fun poem that comes with its very own set of rules. Let’s explore how to write one!

What is a Triolet?

A triolet is an 8-line poem that has a specific rhyme scheme and repeats some of its lines.

It is a cool type of poem was invented in France a long, long time ago (way back in the 13th century!). Its name sort of sounds like “triple,” which makes sense because the poem repeats its first line three times.

People in France loved using the triolet for songs and short poems. Later on, this style of poem traveled to England, where famous poets like Robert Bridges and Thomas Hardy played with its fun pattern. They liked how it was short, but still had a special rhythm and repeating lines.

So, the triolet is a poem that’s been loved by many for hundreds of years, all because of its neat style!

The Rules

Like all poetic forms, triolets have their own set of rules. The most important rules

  • Rhyme Scheme: The triolet follows this rhyme pattern: ABaAabAB. The capital letters mean those lines are repeated. The lower case letters mean those lines rhyme with the upper case ones, but aren’t repeated lines. If you aren’t familiar with rhyme schemes, this lesson plan explains them.
  • Repetition: Lines 1, 4, and 7 are the same. Lines 2 and 8 are the same too!
  • Line Length: While there’s no strict rule for how long each line should be, it’s good to keep them similar in length. You can count the number of syllables or the number of feet to make sure your lines are the same length.
  • Rhythm: Just like the line length, triolets don’t have to have a certain rhythm. However, it’s best if all your lines have the same rhythm as one another.

Here’s an example triolet by the poet Laura Purdie Salas:

Bees of Winter

Winter bees beat wings of snow (A)
to form a storm—a blizzard swarm— (B)
when frosty Arctic breezes blow. (a)
Winter bees beat wings of snow, (A)
dancing high and diving low. (a)
The wind’s the stage where they perform. (b)
Winter bees beat wings of snow (A)
to form a storm–a blizzard swarm. (B)

—Copyright © Laura Purdie Salas. All Rights Reserved

See? Lines 1, 4, and 7 are identical, as are lines 2 and 8! In other words, the (A) and (B) lines are repeated. You’ll also notice that the (a) lines rhyme with the (A) lines, and the (b) line rhyme with the (B) lines. And, if you count them, you’ll see that all the lines in this poem are about the same length, each having seven or eight syllables.

Tips for Ideas

  • Nature: Just like our sample poem about bees in winter, nature can inspire countless poems. Think about the sun, rain, trees, or animals.
  • Emotions: How do you feel today? Happy, sad, excited, or maybe curious? Write about it!
  • Everyday Life: Something as simple as your breakfast, a game you played, or a chat with a friend can become a great poem.
  • Dreams & Fantasies: Dragons, mermaids, spaceships – let your imagination run wild!

Everyone, even the greatest poets, started with their first poem. Don’t worry if your triolet isn’t perfect on the first try. What’s important is to have fun and express yourself. Remember, poetry is a way to play with words, and there’s no right or wrong. So, grab a pen and paper, and let your creative spirit shine!


Kenn Nesbitt
Follow Kenn
Latest posts by Kenn Nesbitt (see all)

Interactive Livestreams for 2023-24

Kenn Nesbitt Online Virtual School Author Visit Zoom Meet Skype Teams

Throughout the school year, I visit many, many schools around the world virtually through Zoom, Meet, Teams, Skype, etc. In other words, I can visit your class or your school online whenever it’s convenient for you, for a fee.

However, if your class or school would like to visit with me, but you don’t have a budget for virtual field trips, I also provide webinars in conjunction with Streamable Learning, the leading provider of interactive livestreams in the K-12 market in the US and Canada. Through quality educational content and an easy-to-use platform, Streamable Learning aims to in introduce interactive livestreams as a valuable supplemental tool for classrooms and families seeking to inspire and educate their K-12 students.

During the 2023-24 school year, I will be doing more than a dozen online webinars, including interactive poetry-writing lessons and programs on famous children’s poets from Dr. Seuss to Shel Silverstein. Schools are invited to join any of these sessions for free as my guest.

Streamable Learning and Zoom

Streamable Learning LivestreamStreamable Learning offers a convenient, cost-effective, and comprehensive calendar of interactive livestreams delivered by subject matter experts and designed to supplement your existing and future lesson plans. To discover hundreds of engaging, educational programs, have a look a their Livestream Calendar.

I have been offering interactive poetry livestreams through Streamable Learning for several years now, and I hope you’ll be able to join me this year. You can register and participate in as many of these upcoming sessions as you like.

If you would like to attend one of my programs, please see the list of registration links shown below. When you click on the link, you will need to fill out just a few items and once you have finished the form, you will then receive an email with the livestream link. If you do not, please check your spam folder. It is possible that the livestream link will end up there. To join the program, you will need to download the Zoom app. You can download this free app at and click on “Zoom Client for Meetings.” If you have any difficulty, contact

2023-24 Livestream Schedule

September 25, 2023

March 1, 2024

March 21, 2024

April 1, 2024

April 17, 2024

May 9, 2024

June 3, 2024

If you would prefer to arrange a private interactive videoconference for your class or school only, simply click here to schedule an online author visit. I look forward to seeing your students online!

Can You Make Up Words?

Made-Up Words

Hey there young poets and word wizards! Today, I want to talk to you about a super fun part of writing: making up words! Have you ever wondered if it’s okay to create your own words? The answer is a big, booming YES! But there’s a little secret to it. Let’s dive in.

Why Make Up Words?

Imagine a world where there are no boundaries to your imagination, a place where you can create anything you like. This is what happens when you make up words! It’s like painting with colors that no one else has ever seen.

The Rules

Here’s the thing: just like with any kind of magic, there are some guidelines. If you decide to make up words, they should have a purpose. That means we don’t just throw letters together like spaghetti on a wall. Instead, we craft them like a sculptor, making sure every new word has a reason to exist in our story or poem.

Dr. Seuss: The Word Magician

Let’s talk about one of the most famous word inventors—Dr. Seuss. Have you ever heard of a “Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz” or “Truffula trees” or even a “nerd?” Dr. Seuss loved to create words that were fun to say and added sparkle to his stories. But if you notice, every made-up word in his books fits perfectly with the world he’s creating. They have a rhyme, a rhythm, and a reason.

Roald Dahl and His Whimsical Words

Then there’s Roald Dahl—the author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory—another wizard of words! Words like “whizzpopping” and “snozzcumber” make his stories come alive in a zany, unique way. What’s super cool about Dahl is that some of his fanciful words weren’t entirely made up! He borrowed playful words like “hornswoggle” and “whangdoodle.” These words sound silly to us, but they were actually old-timey talk in America. So, while they sound new and fantastical in Dahl’s British stories, they were a wink to older, playful language from across the pond!

In fact, there’s even a Roald Dahl Dictionary that lists all of his invented words and even tells you what they mean. So if you need to know the difference between a “trogglehumper” and a “gobstopper,” or what it means to be “biffsquiggled,” (or if you just love reading about made-up words like I do!) this might be just the book for you.

The Power of a Single Word 

Speaking of inventing words, have you ever heard of the book “Frindle” by Andrew Clements? In this captivating story, a boy named Nick Allen comes up with a new word for a pen: “frindle.” What starts as a simple act of creativity becomes a sensation when he convinces his friends to use it. The magic of this tale? The word catches on so much that it eventually finds its way into the dictionary! It just goes to show that with imagination, persistence, and a little bit of fun, a single made-up word can leave a lasting mark on the world.

The Magic of ‘Jabberwocky’ and Lewis Carroll’s Wordplay

Lewis Carroll, the mastermind behind Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, even gifted us with the nonsense poem “Jabberwocky.” This poem, found in the sequel Through the Looking-Glass, is filled with playful and puzzling words like “slithy,” “mimsy,” “toves,” and “borogoves.” These invented words might seem confusing at first, but they paint a vivid picture in our minds, even if we don’t know their exact meanings. Carroll’s genius lay in his ability to craft words that sounded just right for the creatures and scenes they described. In fact, some of the words he invented for this poem, including “chortle” and “galumph,” can now be found in any English-language dictionary. Carroll invented them, and they became “real” words, just like Nick Allen’s “frindle.”

The Art of Crafting Words in Poetry

When writing poetry, you can make up words just like Dr. Seuss and Lewis Carroll did, but you have be careful. Poetry is like music, and every word has to hit the right note. Sometimes, poets might feel the urge to invent a word just because they can’t find the perfect rhyme. This is a pitfall we call a “forced rhyme,” and it can make your poem feel, well, forced! It’s like putting a square peg in a round hole; it just doesn’t fit. Dr. Seuss, for instance, didn’t make up words just to rhyme. He did it with intention, crafting each word to fit perfectly into his poetic landscape.

And guess what? I’ve done it, and you can do it too. In my poem “Today I Decided to Make up a Word” I invented dozens of new words. I didn’t create them because I was stuck; I did it purposefully to add magic to the poem. When making up words in poems, always ask: is this word here for a genuine reason or just as a quick fix? If it’s there for a reason, rhyme on with pride! If it’s just because you can’t think of a real word, maybe try a little harder.

New Words Around Us

And guess what? Many words we use every day are pretty new to our language! Every year, people come up with cool new words for things or ideas that didn’t have names before. Just like how you might invent games or secret codes with your friends, grown-ups have been creating words like “selfie,” “emoji,” and “meme” in recent years. It’s like a never-ending word party, and everyone’s invited!

One of my personal favorites is the word “blog.” “Blog” came from the words “web log.” The word “weblog” was coined by Jorn Barger on December 17, 1997 to mean an internet diary or journal. Later, in 1999, Peter Merholz jokingly broke the word “weblog” into the phrase “we blog” on his own site, From there, “blog” emerged as a term for both the action (“to blog” meaning “to update one’s weblog”) and for the online journals themselves.

You Can Do It Too!

So, here’s your challenge. The next time you’re writing, try making up a word. But remember:

1. Purpose: Think about why this word exists in your story. Does it describe something new? Does it set a mood?
2. Sound: Say it out loud. Does it sound fun? Does it fit the feeling of your poem or story?
3. Meaning: Even if it’s a made-up word, readers should get a hint about what it means from the way you use it.

To all the budding poets and writers out there, remember that words are your tools and toys. Play with them, reshape them, and invent some of your own! After all, today’s made-up word might just become tomorrow’s newest addition to the dictionary.

Kenn Nesbitt
Follow Kenn
Latest posts by Kenn Nesbitt (see all)

Introducing “The Elephant Repairman” – Now in Paperback!

The Elephant Repairman by Kenn Nesbitt

Hey there, dear readers, parents, and teachers!

I am absolutely thrilled to announce the release of the paperback edition of The Elephant Repairman, my latest collection of hilarious poems!

The Elephant Repairman is jam-packed with 70 delightful poems that will have kids (and even their parents and teachers) giggling and laughing out loud.

In this book, you’ll find magical toilets, tyrannosaurus teachers, supersonic sloths, pranks to play on parents, and much, much more. Each poem is full of whimsical rhythms, lively rhymes, and priceless punchlines that keep kids coming back for more.

The Elephant Repairman is perfect for reading aloud during family time, as well as for teachers to share with their students in the classroom. It’s a fantastic way to spark kids’ imaginations and encourage their love for reading and poetry.

You can now get your hands on a copy of The Elephant Repairman in its brand-new paperback edition on Amazon right now, and soon at your favorite local bookseller. Don’t miss out on this fun new collection that is sure to keep you laughing!

Happy reading!

How to Host a Poetry Slam

How to Host a Poetry Slam

What Is a Poetry Slam?

A poetry slam is similar to an open-mic poetry party, with a key difference: Poetry slams are competitive events in which poets perform their work in front of an audience and judges. Poetry slams are known for their lively, energetic atmosphere and often feature poets performing original works.

During a poetry slam, poets take the stage one at a time to perform their work. They are often given a time limit, usually three to five minutes, to perform their poem. After each poet performs, the judges score their performance based on criteria such as originality, creativity, delivery, and overall impact.

At the end of the event, the scores are totaled and the poet with the highest score is declared the winner. Poetry slams are often held at schools, community centers, and other public venues and can be a fun and engaging way for young poets to share their work and for audiences to discover new and exciting voices.

How to Host a Poetry Slam

A poetry slam is a great way for students in an elementary school to express themselves creatively and build confidence in public speaking. This is especially true if students are sharing funny poems or poems with engaging narratives. There is almost nothing better than the applause of your peers for overcoming a fear of public speaking and becoming a more confident presenter.

If you would like to host a poetry slam at your school, here are some steps you can follow:

  1. Choose a theme: Decide on a theme for the poetry slam. This could be something broad like “self-expression” or something more specific like “nature.” The theme will give the students a focus for their poems and help them come up with ideas.
  2. Recruit judges: Find a group of teachers, parents, or other community members who are willing to serve as judges for the poetry slam. Choose judges who are open-minded and willing to listen to a variety of styles and viewpoints.
  3. Encourage participation: Let students know about the poetry slam and encourage them to participate. You can do this through announcements, flyers, or by setting up a sign-up sheet.
  4. Maybe start a poetry club: Consider starting a poetry club for interested students, where you can hold workshops or after-school sessions to help students write and polish their poems. These workshops can be led by teachers, students, or even local poets.
  5. Set rules: Establish some basic rules for the poetry slam. For example, students should be encouraged to write their own poems and to avoid using profanity or other inappropriate language.
  6. Prepare: Encourage students to select and rehearse their poems before the event. This will help them feel more comfortable and confident when it’s time to perform. Below, I have included several tips on how to help students prepare.
  7. Host the event: On the day of the poetry slam, set up a stage or designated area where the students can perform. Have the judges sit at a table in front of the stage, and provide a microphone and sound system for the students.
  8. Judge the performances: Have the judges score each performance based on criteria such as originality, creativity, delivery, and overall impact. The student with the highest score wins the poetry slam. You can also have a grand prize winner as well as second and third-prize winners.
  9. Celebrate the winners: After the poetry slam, celebrate the winners and all of the participants. You can do this with a small ceremony, perhaps with a ribbon, medal, or certificate, and possibly by displaying the winning poems around the school.

How to Prepare

In addition to planning for the poetry slam itself, students will need to prepare for the event too. There are several ways that students can practice and prepare to participate in a poetry slam:

  1. Write, write, write: Encourage students to write as many poems as they can. The more they write, the more comfortable they’ll become with the writing process and the more likely they are to come up with a poem they’re proud to perform. They can find lots of poetry writing lessons here.
  2. Look for inspiration: Encourage students to find inspiration for their poems from their own experiences, observations, and emotions. They can also be inspired by the poetry of others or by current events and issues. One of the easiest things to write about is something you really like or enjoy. For example, if your favorite thing is playing hockey, consider writing a poem about hockey. If you’d rather play Pokémon, try writing about that.
  3. Workshops: Consider holding workshops or after-school sessions to help students write and polish their poems. These workshops can be led by teachers, students, or local poets and can be a great way for students to get feedback on their work and to learn new writing techniques.
  4. Practice reading aloud: Encourage students to rehearse performing their poems aloud to get a feel for the rhythm and flow of their words. This will help them deliver their poem with confidence and clarity. For ideas on how to rehearse, have a look at this article I wrote on How to Recite a Poem Like an Expert.

Hosting a poetry slam can be a fun and rewarding experience for both the students and the school community. By following these steps, you can create a successful and memorable event.

Poetry’s Impact on Childhood Literacy

Kenn Nesbitt Poet

Hi, All! It’s a new year and, hopefully, we are all a little bit wiser, as well as another year older. I began writing poetry for children in 1994, which means that 2023 is my 30th year as a poet. Over these past three decades, I have learned quite a lot about poetry and, more importantly, its effect on kids. I have seen firsthand how poetry turns “reluctant readers” into voracious readers. So, as this new year begins, I thought I would take a moment to share some of the insights I have gained into poetry’s impact on childhood literacy.

Poetry is an important tool for improving childhood literacy for several reasons. First and foremost, poems for children tend to be short, typically just one or two pages, which can make reading a poem seem less daunting for young readers than, say, an entire book. Children who might shy away from a 200-page novel, are often much more interested in reading bite-sized chunks of poetry.

At the same time, though, a good poem typically evokes an emotional response from the reader, despite its brevity. Whether it’s a laugh, a smile, goosebumps, or even tears (I still can’t read Eugene Field‘s poem “Wynken, Blynken, and Nod” without choking up a little), that small feeling encourages kids to turn the page and read another.

All the while, poetry is helping to develop a child’s vocabulary and language skills. Through the use of descriptive language and figurative speech, poetry exposes children to a wide range of words, phrases, and concepts that they may not encounter in everyday conversation. This, in turn, helps to expand their understanding of the English language and improve their overall literacy.

Additionally, poetry can also help to develop a child’s reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. Poetry sometimes requires readers to interpret and analyze the text in order to fully understand its meaning. This can help children to become more attentive and engaged readers, as they must actively think about the words on the page in order to make sense of the poem.

Poetry can also serve as a gateway to other forms of literature. Many children are initially drawn to poetry because of its rhythm and rhyme, which can make it more enjoyable and easier to read than other types of writing. Once a child has developed an interest in poetry, they may be more inclined to explore other forms of literature, such as novels and short stories, which can further improve their literacy skills.

Moreover, poetry can also help to foster a love of language and literature in children. Many children are naturally drawn to the beauty and musicality of poetry, and this can inspire them to develop a lifelong love of reading and writing. This, in turn, can lead to a stronger foundation in literacy and a greater likelihood of academic and professional success in the future.

In short, poetry is an important tool for improving childhood literacy. Through its use of descriptive language, figurative speech, and critical thinking, poetry helps to develop a child’s vocabulary, reading comprehension, and overall love of language and literature. As such, it should be an integral part of any literacy program for young children.

On Poetry4kids, I have tried to make incorporating poetry in the classroom as easy as possible. As of this writing, there are more than 900 poems and nursery rhymes of mine on the site, plus classic children’s poems, writing lessons, activities, videos, and lots more. Feel free to use them in the classroom, as homework assignments, as bedtime reading, or any other way you like. And please tell your kids I said, “Hi!” and that I hope they have fun reading (and writing) poetry

Kenn Nesbitt with My Dog Likes to Disco

New Book: The Elephant Repairman

The Elephant Repairman by Kenn Nesbitt

If your elephant is broken
and she needs a quick repair,
call the elephant repairman
and he’ll instantly be there…

Hi friends and readers! I’m very excited to tell you that my newest book, The Elephant Repairman, will be coming out next month in both hardcover and ebook editions.

Like my previous books The Armpit of DoomThe Biggest Burp Ever, My Cat Knows Karate, and My Dog Likes to Disco, The Elephant Repairman contains 70 hilarious new poems. This laugh-out-loud collection includes poems about tyrannosaurus teachers, cats on computers, supersonic sloths, preposterous pirates, and much, much more.

Along with 50 wacky illustrations by Rafael Domingos, The Elephant Repairman contains many of the most popular poems I have ever written, including “Computer Cat,” “Our Magic Toilet,” “AstroCow,” “Please Don’t Prank Your Parents,” and many others.

Order your ebook copy now! The Kindle Edition of The Elephant Repairman is available for pre-order now from The hardcover edition will be available to purchase on September 13, 2022.

I promise you’re going to love this book. But don’t just take my word for it. Read what others are already saying about The Elephant Repairman, or download a free sample PDF here.


The Elephant Repairman has a poem for every reader, just waiting to be discovered. If you want to offer your favorite child some smart fun, don’t hesitate to buy any of Kenn’s books. This one is a stellar place to start!
(Children’s Writer Kelly Milner Halls, author of Tales of the Cryptids, Cryptid Creatures: A Field Guide, In Search of Sasquatch, Alien Investigation, Ghostly Evidence and more.)

A wonderfully witty collection of zappy, zany poem – I enjoyed it immensely, and you will too!
(Joshua Seigal, author of I Bet I Can Make You Laugh)

Kenn Nesbitt is the world’s funniest children’s poet, and The Elephant Repairman is his funniest book yet. Every poem in the book is hilarious, and their fabulous rhymes and rollicking rhythms make them a joy to read out loud.
(Robert Schechter, children’s poet and author of The Red Ear Blows Its Nose)

New Poetic Technique Category – Superlatives

Poetic Technique Superlatives

As I was writing a new poem today, about the hottest food ever, I realized that “hottest” is a superlative. Superlatives are a form of adjective or adverb used to describe the highest or greatest degree of comparison. For example, small is an adjective that describes the size of something. Smaller is the “comparative degree,” meaning it is more small than the first item being described. And smallest is the superlative degree, meaning it is the most small.

Most superlatives in English follow the convention of adding -er for the comparative and -est for the superlative, such as fast, faster, fastest. But there are exceptions that don’t follow this rule, such as good, better, best, or badworse, worst.

There are other exceptions where you simply add the word more or most before the word. These are usually with adjectives/adverbs that are at least three syllables long. For example, to compare various degrees of beauty, would not say beautiful, beautifuler, beautifulest. Instead, you would use beautifulmore beautiful, and most beautiful.

I thought it might be useful for teachers and students if I could easily provide a list of all of my poems that contain superlatives, including strangesttastiestrichestfastest, and so on. So here it is!

If you would like a little challenge, read some of the poems on the Poetic Device: Superlatives page and see if you can locate the superlative (or superlatives) in each poem. Just remember: Some will end in -est, some won’t (like worst) and some will use the word most (like most famous) to form the superlative.

And if you would like to find poems that use other poetic techniques, such as alliteration, onomatopoeia, etc., simply visit the Poems by Poetic Technique page for a list of many of the different literary devices I use in my poems.

Have fun!

Interactive Livestreams for 2021-22

Kenn Nesbitt Online Virtual School Author Visit Zoom Meet Skype Teams

Throughout the school year, I visit many, many schools around the world virtually through Zoom, Meet, Teams, Skype, etc. In other words, I can visit your class or your school online whenever it’s convenient for you, for a fee.

However, if your class or school would like to visit with me, but you don’t have a budget for virtual field trips, I also provide webinars in conjunction with Streamable Learning, the leading provider of interactive livestreams in the K-12 market in the US and Canada. Through quality educational content and an easy-to-use platform, Streamable Learning aims to in introduce interactive livestreams as a valuable supplemental tool for classrooms and families seeking to inspire and educate their K-12 students.

During the 2021-22 school year, I will be doing more than a dozen online webinars, including interactive poetry-writing lessons, holiday poetry sessions, and programs on famous children’s poets from Dr. Seuss to Shel Silverstein. Schools are invited to join any of these sessions for free as my guest.

Streamable Learning and Zoom

Streamable Learning LivestreamStreamable Learning offers a convenient, cost-effective, and comprehensive calendar of interactive livestreams delivered by subject matter experts and designed to supplement your existing and future lesson plans. To discover hundreds of engaging, educational programs, have a look a their Livestream Calendar.

I have been offering interactive poetry livestreams through Streamable Learning for several years now, and I hope you’ll be able to join me this year. You can register and participate in as many of these upcoming sessions as you like.

If you would like to attend one of my programs, please see the list of registration links shown below. When you click on the link, you will need to fill out just a few items and once you have finished the form, you will then receive an email with the livestream link. If you do not, please check your spam folder. It is possible that the livestream link will end up there. To join the program, you will need to download the Zoom app. You can download this free app at and click on “Zoom Client for Meetings.” If you have any difficulty, contact

2021-22 Livestream Schedule

September 24, 2021

January 19, 2022

February 14, 2022

March 2, 2022

March 15, 2022

April 4, 2022

If you would prefer to arrange a private interactive videoconference for your class or school only, simply click here to schedule an online author visit. I look forward to seeing your students online!

Important Announcement about the Future of Poetry4kids

Poetry for Goats by Kenn Nesbitt

Dear Reader,

Recently, many of you have correctly pointed out to me that a “kid” is technically a baby goat and not a young human. As a writer, I feel it is important to be as accurate as possible with language. In addition, it has come to my attention that while there are plenty of books of poetry for cats, dogs, and the like, the baby goat community has been severely underserved by the world’s poets.

Therefore, I have decided that, beginning next week, Poetry4kids will be devoted exclusively to poetry for baby goats. It is my intention to correct the aforementioned oversights with new poems written especially for “kids” every week. These will range from humorous tales about young goats eating things they shouldn’t to lessons about the importance of avoiding wolves.

I know this may come as a big surprise to those of you who have enjoyed reading the poetry for young humans on this website. Let me assure you, while poetry4kids will only have poems for baby goats from now on, the poems for young humans will still be available for you to read on a brand new site called Poetry4YoungHumans. Please click on the logo below for a sneak peak of

Thank you for your understanding. I look forward to writing many new poems for baby goats to enjoy in the years to come.


Kenn Nesbitt, goat poet