Dear Reader,
Recently, many of you have correctly pointed out to me that a “kid” is technically a baby goat and not a young human. As a writer, I feel it is important to be as accurate as possible with language. In addition, it has come to my attention that while there are plenty of books of poetry for cats, dogs, and the like, the baby goat community has been severely underserved by the world’s poets.
Therefore, I have decided that, beginning next week, Poetry4kids will be devoted exclusively to poetry for baby goats. It is my intention to correct the aforementioned oversights with new poems written especially for “kids” every week. These will range from humorous tales about young goats eating things they shouldn’t to lessons about the importance of avoiding wolves.
I know this may come as a big surprise to those of you who have enjoyed reading the poetry for young humans on this website. Let me assure you, while poetry4kids will only have poems for baby goats from now on, the poems for young humans will still be available for you to read on a brand new site called Poetry4YoungHumans. Please click on the logo below for a sneak peak of
Thank you for your understanding. I look forward to writing many new poems for baby goats to enjoy in the years to come.
Kenn Nesbitt, goat poet