topic: Wordplay
Poems of strange people and places, impossible happenings, and indescribable nonsense.
My Toes and My Nose
Computer Boot
The Eggs Were All Bedeviled
Somewhere Sometime
I Left Our Rhino in the Rain
Michael’s Viking Bicycle
An Echo in My Room
Do You C What I C?
Today We Had Some Weather
When Flowers Wake Each Morning
Making Cakes
This Afternoon I Met a Slark
I Often Contradict Myself
The Lamps Were All Delighted
Examine any Fire Hydrant
Today I Touched the Buffalobster
Beavers In the Bathroom
Brody the Emoticon
Mithing Tooth
Stumblebum Stan
Clippity Cloppity Bippity Boop
(I’m Always in Parentheses)