Michael’s Viking Bicycle
Michael likes his bicycle.
His bike is from a Viking.
His bike is highly Viking-like.
It’s wildly styled and striking.
Its mighty tires are wide and high.
The headlight’s bright and shiny.
And Michael’s bike is giant-sized.
It isn’t light or tiny.
It might be quite a sight if
Michael tried to ride his bike.
But Mike, beside his giant ride,
is like a tiny tyke.
So, if you like to ride a bike,
don’t buy one from a Viking,
or else, like Mike, you’ll like your bike
but might just wind up hiking.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 2
Topics: Sports, Wordplay
Poetic Techniques: Assonance, Descriptive Poems, Imagery, Wordplay
Word Count: 98
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