reading level: Grade 6

Poems suitable for reading by 11-12 year olds.

Gabby's Baby Beagle by Kenn Nesbitt
Gabby’s Baby Beagle
Vacation Cancelation
Vacation Cancelation
When Larry Made Lasagna
We Call Our Teacher Mister E. by Kenn Nesbitt
We Call Our Teacher Mister E.
Bradley Bentley Baxter Bloome
What to Do With a Dinosaur
A Goat in a Landfill
Traditional Christmas
While Strolling Down the Beach Today
My Excuse by Kenn Nesbitt
My Excuse
Christmas Memories
I Washed Our Dad’s Car
Christmas Shopping
The World's Fastest Bicycle by Kenn Nesbitt
The World’s Fastest Bicycle
I Spotted a Pie on the Sidewalk by Kenn Nesbitt
I Spotted a Pie on the Sidewalk
I Ate a Clock by Kenn Nesbitt
I Ate a Clock
The Pretzel, the Pig, and the Baby Baboon
From the Ants in Our Petnuia Bed
The Toughest Pastry Maker
I’m a Pirate Ballerina
The Winter Olympics are Practically Here
Itches by Kenn Nesbitt
Fernando the Fearless