Christmas Shopping
A Funny Christmas Poem for Kids
Today I went shopping downtown at the mall,
for Christmas-day presents for family and all.
I purchased a sweater, some brand-new CDs,
a gift box with crackers and spreadable cheese,
a scooter, computer, and video games,
a skateboard with decals of dragons and flames,
a board game with legions of troops to command,
a poster and shirt of my favorite band.
Tomorrow I’ve got to go back to the mall
to get some more presents for family and all,
despite that my savings is practically shot,
I can’t bear to part with the ones I just bought!
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2006. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 6
Topics: Christmas, Holiday Poems, Poems about Friends and Family, Seasonal Poems, Shopping
Poetic Techniques: Irony, List Poems, Narrative Poems
Word Count: 99
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