poetic device: Imagery

Imagery means using figurative language in a way that appeals to our physical senses. Although the word “imagery” sounds like it refers only to visual language—the sense of sight—it actually refers to any of the five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.

Imagery can include descriptive language, onomatopoeia, personification, metaphor, simile, or any other figurative language that enhances the impact of the poem by appealing to our bodily senses.

The Gorgon Sisters
Green Rain by Kenn Nesbitt
Green Rain
My Sneakers Are Speaking in German by Kenn Nesbitt
My Sneakers are Speaking in German
An Awesome Opposum
I Have an Amoeba
Belinda Brooks by Kenn Nesbitt
Belinda Brooks
Bed Head by Kenn Nesbitt
Bed Head
The Cowtown Ballet by Kenn Nesbitt
The Cow Town Ballet
Bradley Beard by Kenn Nesbitt
Bradley Beard is Rather Weird
If You Ever Meet an Elephant
The Monsters' Musical Contest by Kenn Nesbitt
The Monsters’ Musical Contest
Gilman Glumby Kenn Nesbitt
Gilman Glum

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