I Bought My Mom an Apple
From the book Rolling in the Aisles
I bought my mom an apple
but it wasn’t red or green;
it was more like bluish-purple
or some color in-between.
I wouldn’t call the blueberries
I bought her very blue;
they were rather reddish-orange
like a dark vermilion hue.
The oranges I got for her
weren’t orange as you’d think;
they were turquoise on the inside
and the outer peels were pink.
The strawberries I purchased
weren’t particularly red;
They were white with purple polka dots
and silver stripes instead.
I got all these by shopping
where I’d never shopped before.
That’s the last time I buy groceries
at the Rainbow Grocery Store!
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2004. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 5
Topics: Food Poems, Imaginary Poems, Poems about Friends and Family, Shopping
Poetic Techniques: Imagery, List Poems, Narrative Poems
Word Count: 110
From the book Rolling in the Aisles
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