Has Anyone Seen My Chameleon?
A Funny Chameleon Poem for Kids
From the book The Tighty-Whitey Spider
Has anyone seen my chameleon this morning?
He has to be hiding somewhere.
He asked me if we could play hide-and-go-seek,
and then disappeared into thin air.
I’ve looked high and low in the yard and the house
and it seems like he’s nowhere around.
He’s probably hiding right out in the open
but doesn’t yet want to be found.
I’m guessing he looks like a leaf on a bush
or the back of a sofa or chair.
He could be disguised as a book or a bagel.
Regardless, I don’t think it’s fair.
If you come across my chameleon, please tell him
I give up. He beat me today.
He’s clearly the champion at hiding so, next time,
it’s my turn to pick what we play.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2009. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 3
Topics: Animal Poems
Poetic Techniques: Anthropomorphism & Personification, Assonance, Imagery, Narrative Poems
Word Count: 132
From the book The Tighty-Whitey Spider
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