topic: Poems about Kooky Characters

Funny poems about funny people.

Belinda Bell
Captain Impossible by Kenn Nesbitt
Captain Impossible
Hannah’s Hammer
Merlo the Magnificent
Wayne the Stegosaurus
The Sad Story of Tommy McTivver
Minecraft Mike
The Biggest Burp Ever
I’m Practically Perfect
The Story of Laurie
Backward Dan
The Pirate of Pickletown by Kenn Nesbitt
The Pirate of Pickletown
Frank the Frog Collector
Penny Parker's Pencil by Kenn Nesbitt
Penny Parker’s Pencil
Lefty the Lifter poem by Kenn Nesbitt
Lefty the Lifter
Foolish Fiona
Our Teacher Sings the Beatles by Kenn Nesbitt
Our Teacher Sings the Beatles
The Tale of the Sun and the Moon
On Dinosaur Island
Larry the Librarian
Larry the Librarian
Mr. Negative by Kenn Nesbitt
Mr. Negative
I Knew a Guy poem by Kenn Nesbitt
I Knew a Guy
Hello, My Name is Madison
Rosy the Dozer