topic: Poems about Kooky Characters

Funny poems about funny people.

Rosy the Dozer
Josh, Who Didn’t Like to Wash
The Candy Cane Collector
Fernando the Fearless
The Toughest Pastry Maker
I’m a Pirate Ballerina
Mr. Obvious
Grave Humor
Noah Lott
Our Teacher's Multitalented by Kenn Nesbitt
Our Teacher’s Multi-Talented
Melvin the Mummy by Kenn Nesbitt
Melvin the Mummy
Mr. Mirror
Fearless Frederick by Kenn Nesbitt
Fearless Frederick
Payton the Painter by Kenn Nesbitt
Payton the Painter
Emilio, Emilio
Mr. Brown the Circus Clown
Bubble Wrap, Bubble Wrap
Humpty’s Big Fall
Steve the Superhero
Pansy P. Petunia by Kenn Nesbitt
Pansy P. Petunia
Banana Dan
The Dentist Pulled My Tooth Out
Hammering a Nail
I Lost My Head by Kenn Nesbitt
I Lost My Head

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