The Candy Cane Collector
From the book My Dog Likes to Disco
Hello, my name is Hector.
I’m a candy cane collector.
I collect the finest candy canes
from all around the world.
My candy canes are quite a sight.
While some are dark and some are light,
they’re mostly colored red and white,
and all of them are swirled.
A few of them are blue or green,
or purple, pink, or tangerine,
or pumpkin-hued for Halloween,
or rainbow-colored too.
I go to countries far and near
to buy them all and bring them here,
three hundred sixty days a year;
it’s what I like to do.
I tour the world on ships and planes,
and buses, bikes, and subway trains
because collecting candy canes
has always been my mission.
I hope you’ll come and see someday.
I’ve set them out. They’re on display.
And, best of all, I have to say,
they’re all in mint condition.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2021. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 3
Topics: Food Poems, Halloween, Poems about Kooky Characters
Poetic Techniques: Alliteration, Rhyme Schemes
Word Count: 149
From the book My Dog Likes to Disco
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