topic: Cautionary Tale

Benjamin Blink Drank Invisible Ink by Kenn Nesbitt
Benjamin Blink Drank Invisible Ink
When Frankenstein Was Just a Kid by Kenn Nesbitt
When Frankenstein Was Just a Kid
A Vampire Bit My Neck Last Night by Kenn Nesbitt
A Vampire Bit My Neck Last Night
I Had to Get a Haircut by Kenn Nesbitt
I Let My Sister Cut My Hair
I Went to the Barber
I Found a Penny on the Ground
Nathaniel Naste
Bradley Bentley Baxter Bloome
Wendy Wise
Today a Tiger Tackled Me by Kenn Nesbitt
Today a Tiger Tackled Me
The Armpit of Doom by Kenn Nesbitt
The Armpit of Doom
The Biggest Burp Ever
I Fell in a Well
Josh, Who Didn’t Like to Wash
Itches by Kenn Nesbitt
Jessica Jean by Kenn Nesbitt
Jessica Jean
Willie's Wart by Kenn Nesbitt
Willie’s Wart
I'll Never by Kenn Nesbitt
I’ll Never
Sam Who Only Ate Jam by Kenn Nesbitt
Sam, Who Only Ate Jam
Rosemarie Rassmussen by Kenn Nesbitt
Rose Marie Rassmussen
Wally Wards the Sword Swallower by Kenn Nesbitt
Wally Wards the Sword Swallower
Belinda Brooks by Kenn Nesbitt
Belinda Brooks

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