Belinda Brooks
From the book The Armpit of Doom
Belinda Brooks loved library books,
She hoarded them all for herself.
She’d check them out to spread them about
or straighten them up on a shelf.
She boxed her books in crannies and nooks.
She filled every crevice and crack.
She stuffed her home with textbook and tome
but never would take any back.
Her dresser drawer held novels galore.
She kept them in cases and cans,
with lots and lots in packets and pots,
and packages, parcels and pans.
She cleaned and wiped the volumes she swiped,
and tenderly treasured each book.
She’d sit for days and lovingly gaze
at all the editions she took.
In bowls and bins and baskets and tins,
in canisters, cartons and crates,
so poor Miss Brooks, with all of those books,
was wanted in fifty-two states.
For she was fined, but always declined
to pay or surrender the books.
And so, in shame, Belinda became
the biggest of library crooks.
When she got nailed, Belinda was jailed
and sentenced to years for her deed,
so now, with time to pay for her crime,
she’s finally learning to read.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 6
Topics: Cautionary Tale, Poems about Kooky Characters, Reading, Tall Tale
Poetic Techniques: Hyperbole, Imagery, Irony, Narrative Poems, Rhyme Schemes, Superlatives
Word Count: 187
From the book The Armpit of Doom
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