poetic device: Wordplay

Wordplay in poetry just means playing with language. It might mean inventing new words, using punctuation in unusual ways, or replacing letters with numbers. It might mean writing sentences backward, overusing alliterations, or including tons of puns.

I love wordplay in poetry, so I have written many, many poems that use some form of wordplay, including all of these.

Lost and Found by Kenn Nesbitt
Lost and Found
My Kitten Is a Ninja by Kenn Nesbitt
My Kitten Is a Ninja
Gabby’s Baby Beagle
1 H0P3 7H47 Y0U C4N R34D 7H15
The Man from Planet X
Joe the Emoji
And Backed My Car into a Tree
On the Thirty-Third of Januaugust by Kenn Nesbitt
On the Thirty Third of Januaugust
My Favorite Word is Floofy
We Call Our Teacher Mister E. by Kenn Nesbitt
We Call Our Teacher Mister E.
I’m Srot of Srcmabled Up Tdaoy
A Random Poem by Kenn Nesbitt
A Random Poem
My Gramma Got a Camera by Kenn Nesbitt
My Gramma Got a Camera
My World Is Turning Downside-Up by Kenn Nesbitt
My World Is Turning Downside-Up
Deer Mrs. Teecher
My Job at the Calendar Factory by Kenn Nesbitt
My Job at the Calendar Factory
Today I Decided to Make Up a Word
I Swept the Dog by Kenn Nesbitt
I Swept the Dog
Today a Tiger Tackled Me by Kenn Nesbitt
Today a Tiger Tackled Me
I'd Like to Sing in Singapore by Kenn Nesbitt
I’d Like to Sing in Singapore
I’ve Started Learning Honkish
I Built a Big Building
Swimming Ool
How Not to Cook by Kenn Nesbitt
How Not to Cook