1 H0P3 7H47 Y0U C4N R34D 7H15
A Funny Wordplay Poem for Kids
From the book My Cat Knows Karate
1 H0P3 7H47 Y0U C4N R34D 7H15.
1’M PR377Y 5UR3 Y0U C4N.
17’5 7R1CKY, 4ND 1’M W0ND3R1NG
1 KN0W 7H47 17’5 4 PUZZL3.
1 KN0W 17’5 K1ND 0F 70UGH.
1 H0P3 7H47 Y0U D0N’7 R1P 17 UP
4ND 5CR34M, “1’V3 H4D 3N0UGH!”
1’M 7YP1NG 7H15 7H3 0NLY W4Y
7H47 1 KN0W H0W 70D4Y.
1 H0P3 7H47 Y0U C4N F1GUR3 0U7
7H3 W0RD5 1’M 7RY1NG 70 54Y.
1F Y0U C4N R34D 7H15 M3554GE,
17 M34N5 Y0U’R3 R34LLY 5M4R7.
17 4L50 M34N5 7H47 MY
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2018. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 3
Topics: Science and Technology Poems, Wordplay
Poetic Techniques: Irony, Punctuation, Wordplay
Word Count: 140
About This Poem
Did you know that you can read misspelled words, usually without any problem. In fact, if the first and last letters of words are the same, you can usually read the words, even if the rest of the letters are all scrambled up. For example, you can porbalby uderntsnad waht I’m syiang in tihs snetnece, eevn tohguh the wrods are srcmabled. In fact, I wrote another poem where I do exactly that, called “I’m Srot of Srcmabled Up Tdaoy.”
The same is true of substituting numbers for letters. In this poem, I substituted numbers for the letters that they look similar to. I replaced S’s with 5’s, E’s with 3’s, and so on. Can you figure out what the poem is saying? It might be a little tricky, but once you get used to reading this way, it gets a little easier. Try it and see.
You might also try writing your own poems or messages in this secret code. Then you can write letters that only you and your friends will understand.
Click here for a printable worksheet for this poem
From the book My Cat Knows Karate
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