poetic device: Anthropomorphism & Personification

Anthropomorphism is when animals or objects behave like people, such as a cat who learns karate, or a dog who can talk or play piano.

Personification is similar, but is when animals or objects have seemingly human characteristics, such as a tree waving it’s “arms” in the breeze.

These poems all have anthropomorphic characters or some degree of personification.

The School Year Is Over by Kenn Nesbitt
The School Year Is Over
My Puppy Plays Piano
A Feast for a Frog
Gerbil, Gerbil, On the Run
The Tighty-Whitey Spider
I Bought Our Cat a Jetpack
The Tale of the Sun and the Moon
My Sheep Is Being Sheepish
The Pretzel, the Pig, and the Baby Baboon
My Kitten Won’t Stop Talking
My Pig Won’t Let Me Watch TV
My Frog Was in an Accident by Kenn Nesbitt
My Frog Was in an Accident
My Dog Likes to Disco
From the Ants in Our Petnuia Bed
My Dog Is Not the Smartest Dog
My Cat Goes Flying Through the Air
My Bunny Lies over My Doggy
Whenever Yaks Play Basketball
I Have to Write a Poem
Get Me Out of the Fish Tank
My Computer Ate My Homework by Kenn Nesbitt
My Computer Ate My Homework
My Chicken’s On the Internet
Banana Dan
The Weasel and the Whale