poem length: Very Short

These poems are very short and can be read in less than 30 seconds.

My Dog Does My Homework
If School Were More like Baseball
Pizza, Pizza, I Love You by Kenn Nesbitt
Pizza, Pizza, I Love You
Perfect by Kenn Nesbitt
Deer Mrs. Teecher
Sunday’s Somewhat Melancholy
Egg Drop
The Contents of My Desk
Belinda Bell
My Lunch
Swimming Ool
My Kitten Had an Accident
Five Sense Nonsense
I Washed Our Dad’s Car
Today I Have a Toothache by Kenn Nesbitt
Today I Have a Toothache
Toucan Can-Can by Kenn Nesbitt
Toucan Can-Can
Candy Love
To B or Not to B
The Llama and the Aardvark
My Special Diet
Imaginary Friend
I Fell in a Well
My Robot Does My Homework
Juan and Tu by Kenn Nesbitt
Juan and Tu

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