poem length: Very Short

These poems are very short and can be read in less than 30 seconds.

I Play Gel Legions by Kenn Nesbitt
I Play Gel Legions
Jack Be Nimbler
I'm Covered in Slop by Kenn Nesbitt
I’m Covered in Slop
Amanda Ate an Orange by Kenn Nesbitt
Amanda Ate an Orange
My Camel Fights
Santa’s Suit
Too Many Chickens
Easily Distracted Bart by Kenn Nesbitt
Easily Distracted Bart
Fiona Flogg by Kenn Nesbitt
Fiona Flogg
Rest in Peas by Kenn Nesbitt
Rest in Peas
Dexter McDwyer by Kenn Nesbitt
Dexter McDwyer
Octopus by Kenn Nesbitt
Horse Tale by Kenn Nesbitt
Horse Tale
Hickory, Dickory, Dock
Nile and Nate
While at the Sofa Factory by Kenn Nesbitt
While at the Sofa Factory
I Bought a New Tank For My Goldfish
I Hit My Head in Several Places by Kenn Nesbitt
I Hit My Head in Several Places
Finnegan Flannigan Fox by Kenn Nesbitt
Finnegan Flanagan Fox
If You Happen to Hop by Kenn Nesbitt
If You Happen to Hop
A Fellow They Called Peter, Peter
The Size of Yankee Stadium by Kenn Nesbitt
The Size of Yankee Stadium
A Talkative Man from Seattle by Kenn Nesbitt
A Talkative Man from Seattle
Buckaroo Huck