reading level: Grade 3
Poems suitable for reading by 8-9 year olds.
Mall Crawl
The Turkey Taquitos Are Tasty Today
I Will Not Sit on Santa’s Lap
Don’t Bother any Butterflies
My Pencil’s Old and Broken
Landon McGee
Bed Head
The Fisherman and His Wife
Gladiola’s Garden
Bad Bertie Bartigan
I Like to Pretend to Be Like Myself
Amanda Ate an Orange
Pete the Pirate Wannabe
Useless Wristwatch
Jake the Yo-Yo Maker
I’m Learning To Play the Piano Today
Lucky Lou
Melinda McKnight
Santa’s Suit
Boney Mahoney
I Sort of Have the Sniffles
Roddy Rapscallion
I’m Told By My Snail