My Porcupine Is Feeling Fine
My porcupine is feeling fine,
but what an unexpected twist!
He used to be my cat before
he saw the acupuncturist.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 3
Topics: Animal Poems
Word Count: 26
About This Poem
I wrote this poem for the Poetry Friday Anthology, a series created by Janet Wong and Sylvia Vardell. I wanted to create a funny animal poem that was short and easy to read, but still fun. For some reason I was thinking about porcupines when I came up with the line "My porcupine is feeling fine." You'll notice that this line not only has an internal rhyme (porcupine/fine), but it also has a nice alliteration ("feeling fine"). After that, it occurred to me that it would be funny if my porcupine wasn't really a porcupine, but was some other pet that had had acupuncture. (Acupuncture, in case you don't know, is a form of Chinese medicine that treats patients by inserting lots of thin metal needles in the skin.) After that, the rest was easy. I just had to come up with a rhyme for "acupuncturist" and I was done. I hope you enjoy it.
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