poetic device: Onomatopoeia

These poems each include at least one onomatopoeia; words that imitate the sound of the object or action they refer to.

When the Teacher Isn't Looking by Kenn Nesbitt
When the Teacher Isn’t Looking
Advice from Dracula
Falling Asleep in Class
My Brother Punched Me in the Head by Kenn Nesbitt
My Brother Punched Me in the Head
A Vampire Bit My Neck Last Night by Kenn Nesbitt
A Vampire Bit My Neck Last Night
My Teacher Took My iPod by Kenn Nesbitt
My Teacher Took My iPod
I Took My Doggy for a Walk by Kenn Nesbitt
I Took My Doggy for a Walk
An Ogre Came Over for Dinner by Kenn Nesbitt
An Ogre Came over for Dinner
My Dog Likes to Dig by Kenn Nesbitt
My Dog Likes to Dig
A Hippo Is Bounding around on My Head
What to Do With a Dinosaur
Bradley Bentley Baxter Bloome
The Noisy Boys from Boise by Kenn Nesbitt
The Noisy Boys from Boise
My Teacher Ate My Homework by Kenn Nesbitt
My Teacher Ate My Homework
Science Homework
I Tried to Ride a Skateboard
My Hamster Has a Skateboard
The Armpit of Doom by Kenn Nesbitt
The Armpit of Doom
Octopus for Lunch
The Biggest Burp Ever
Crash Bang Boom by Kenn Nesbitt
Crash! Bang! Boom!
My Ice Cream Is Melting by Kenn Nesbitt
My Ice Cream Is Melting
I Bought Our Cat a Jetpack
A Rumble in My Bedroom by Kenn Nesbitt
A Rumble in My Bedroom

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