Octopus for Lunch

Octopus for Lunch by Kenn Nesbitt

The other kids
like chicken nuggets,
hot dogs, or taquitos,
or burgers, fries,
or pizza pies,
or bean and cheese burritos.

But, as for me,
I’m strange, you see,
and what I like to munch
is just a plate
of marinated
octopus for lunch.

Octopus for lunch!
Oh, octopus for lunch!
It seems I’ve quite
an appetite
for octopus for lunch.

While they want lots
of tater tots,
or cheesy ravioli,
or seasoned beef
on lettuce leaf,
or chips with guacamole,

I like to eat
this tasty treat
and wash it down with punch:
A steaming bowl
or casserole
of octopus for lunch.

Octopus for lunch!
Oh, octopus for lunch!
I just can’t wait
to fill my plate
with octopus for lunch.

But now I find
I’ve changed my mind.
Indeed, I have a hunch
I’d better wait
and leave this plate
of octopus for lunch.

This plate is full
of tentacles
that waved around a bunch.
The way they sway
it seems that they
like little kids for lunch.

Octopus at lunch!
An octopus at lunch!
So run away
or else it may…
gergrabble… gobble… crunch!