poetic device: Hyperbole

Hyperbole means extreme and obvious exaggeration that is not meant to be taken literally. To say “her smile is as bright as the sun” or “this test is taking forever” are examples of hyperbole.

Hyperbole is different than ordinary exaggeration, where you might say “the fish was three feet long” when it was really only two feet long, or “I spent all day doing homework” when you really spent just an hour or two.

In these poems, usually the story itself is hyperbolic, although some may include just a single instance of hyperbole. See if you can find the hyperbole in each of these poems.

That Explains It!
Fancy Dancer by Kenn Nesbitt
Fancy Dancer
The Toughest Pastry Maker
Fearless Frederick by Kenn Nesbitt
Fearless Frederick
Steve the Superhero
World's Hardest Test by Kenn Nesbitt
World’s Hardest Test
The Dentist Pulled My Tooth Out
The Weasel and the Whale
Ancient by Kenn Nesbitt
Jessica Jean by Kenn Nesbitt
Jessica Jean
When Pigs Fly
If You Give a Mouse a Motorcycle
The Dancing Baboon of Djibouti
My Dad's a Secret Agent by Kenn Nesbitt
My Dad’s a Secret Agent
Alex's Allergy by Kenn Nesbitt
Alex’s Allergy
My Brother’s a Genius
Sylvester the Strongman by Kenn Nesbitt
Sylvester the Strongman
One Very Hot Day by Kenn Nesbitt
One Very Hot Day
Just a Slug
My Grandpa
When Otto Got a Hot Dog by Kenn Nesbitt
When Otto Got a Hot Dog
Willie's Wart by Kenn Nesbitt
Willie’s Wart
It's Fun to Leave the Spaces Out by Kenn Nesbitt
Brandon Bransons Backpack by Kenn Nesbitt
Brandon Branson’s Backpack