From the book The Aliens Have Landed at Our School!
He’s older than the oldest man
that anyone has ever known.
He’s older than the Internet;
he’s older than the telephone.
He’s older than the printed word,
the ancient Greeks, the dodo bird.
He’s older than the pyramids
and prehistoric hominids.
He’s older than the dinosaurs,
the earth, the sun, the moon and stars.
He’s old as mud, he’s old as dust;
he’s wrinkled up and turned to rust.
He’s musty, crusty, stinky, dirty.
Simply put, Dad’s turning thirty.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2001. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 3
Topics: Poems about Friends and Family
Poetic Techniques: Descriptive Poems, Hyperbole, Superlatives
Word Count: 80
From the book The Aliens Have Landed at Our School!
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