poetic device: Descriptive Poems

A descriptive poem is one that mainly describes the subject — whether it be a person, an animal, or an inanimate object — often in great detail, rather than telling a story or expressing one’s feelings.

These poems are all examples of descriptive poetry.

Fred’s Head
To Some It's Known as Halloween by Kenn Nesbitt
To Some It’s Known as Halloween
Recipe for Disaster by Kenn Nesbitt
Recipe for Disaster
A Pug is a Dog
Benjamin Plays Bass Guitar by Kenn Nesbitt
Benjamin Plays Bass Guitar
Mr. Yes and Mr. No
I'm Always in Parentheses by Kenn Nesbitt
(I’m Always in Parentheses)
Rudy Tude by Kenn Nesbitt
Rudy Tude
My Kiwi Is the Captain
My Sister Kisses Thistles
Kitten Fight by Kenn Nesbitt
Kitten Fight
The Summer Isn't Like a Book by Kenn Nesbitt
The Summer Isn’t Like a Book
My Grandpa
At Hamster Sam’s Rodeo
The Technobabylonians
The Technobabylonians
Speedy Sid
My New School by Kenn Nesbitt
My New School
Iggy Borborygmus by Kenn Nesbitt
Iggy Borborygmus
Dizzy Dottie’s Dog Salon
Our Family's Not from Mercury by Kenn Nesbitt
Our Family’s Not from Mercury
My Family Thinks I'm Crazy by Kenn Nesbitt
My Family Thinks I’m Crazy
Everyone's from Somewhere Else by Kenn Nesbitt
Everyone’s from Somewhere Else
We Give Each Other Cuckoo Clocks
Perfect Peter Paul by Kenn Nesbitt
Perfect Peter Paul

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