To Some It’s Known as Halloween
A Halloween Poem for Kids
From the book The Biggest Burp Ever
To some it’s known as “Halloween,”
or else “All Hallows Eve.”
To some it’s simply “Dress Up Day,”
a time for make believe.
And some folks call it “Trick or Treat,”
when ghosts and witches play.
To others it’s the night before
the day called “All Saints Day.”
It’s got so many different names,
but this is what I say:
To me October thirty-first
is called “Free Candy Day.”
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2011. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 4
Topics: Halloween, Holiday Poems
Poetic Techniques: Descriptive Poems, List Poems
Word Count: 76
From the book The Biggest Burp Ever
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