Don’t Ever Ask a Centipede
From the book The Tighty-Whitey Spider
Don’t ever ask a centipede
to play a game of soccer.
Remember, he has 50 pairs
of sneakers in his locker.
He dribbles 50 soccer balls
with 50 pairs of shoes,
and kicks them all concurrently.
He doesn’t often lose.
He’s such a fierce competitor
that, if you ever meet,
at first you’ll see his hundred legs
and then you’ll see defeat.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2010. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 5
Topics: Animal Poems, Sports
Poetic Techniques: Anthropomorphism & Personification, Descriptive Poems, Pun Poems
Word Count: 65
From the book The Tighty-Whitey Spider
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