poetic device: Narrative Poems

Narrative poems are poems that tell a story. It doesn’t have to be a long or complex story. It can even be a short narrative poem that describes something that happened.

Narrative poems are one of the main poetic styles. Others include lyric poems, which describe the narrator’s emotions or feelings, and descriptive poems, which give a detailed description of a person, an object, or an event.

Each of these poems tell a story. Some are short and some are long, while most are somewhere in the middle, but all of them are fun.

I Came upon Some Words
I Wrote Myself a Letter by Kenn Nesbitt
I Wrote Myself a Letter
Bloome the Human Boomerang
Lousy Catcher’s Mitt
I Cloned Myself on Friday Night by Kenn Nesbitt
I Cloned Myself on Friday Night
Mr. Yes and Mr. No
While Lying On the Grass Today
I'm Growing a Truck in the Garden by Kenn Nesbitt
I’m Growing a Truck in the Garden
I Had a Little Secret
Try to Lick Your Elbow
One Very Hot Day by Kenn Nesbitt
One Very Hot Day
Transportation Vacation
Our Family Picnic
The Man from Timbuktu by Kenn Nesbitt
The Man From Timbuktu
I Found Myself Upon a Cow
Sylvester the Strongman by Kenn Nesbitt
Sylvester the Strongman
I Have a Pet Chameleon by Kenn Nesbitt
I Have a Pet Chameleon
Something I Need to Remember
When Otto Got a Hot Dog by Kenn Nesbitt
When Otto Got a Hot Dog
I Went to School to Learn to Read by Kenn Nesbitt
I Went to School to Learn to Read
Terrible Dream by Kenn Nesbitt
Terrible Dream
I Bought My Mom an Apple by Kenn Nesbitt
I Bought My Mom an Apple
He Flies Down the Hall
Chicken Pox Connect-the-Dots by Kenn Nesbitt
Chicken Pox Connect-the-Dots