Try to Lick Your Elbow
Your elbow’s pretty hard to reach,
although it’s awfully near.
Just try to lick your elbow,
or to put it in your ear.
You cannot reach your elbow
with your shoulder or your nose.
It’s practically impossible
to touch it with your toes.
Your elbow won’t go near your neck,
your forehead, or your eyes.
If you could touch it to your spine,
I think you’d win a prize.
I tried to lick my elbow once,
and I came pretty close.
But then I stopped and realized,
like, OMG! That’s gross!
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2019. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 3
Topics: Health, Science and Technology Poems, Wacky Weirdness
Poetic Techniques: Narrative Poems
Word Count: 96
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