poetic device: Descriptive Poems

A descriptive poem is one that mainly describes the subject — whether it be a person, an animal, or an inanimate object — often in great detail, rather than telling a story or expressing one’s feelings.

These poems are all examples of descriptive poetry.

Larry the Librarian
Larry the Librarian
At Standing Still I Have a Skill by Kenn Nesbitt
At Standing Still I Have a Skill
The Sand Looks Like Candy by Kenn Nesbitt
The Sand Looks Like Candy
Our Classroom Is Covered in Sparkles
My Robot Does My Homework
Halloween is Nearly Here
My Excellent Education by Kenn Nesbitt
My Excellent Education
Waiter, There’s a Dog in My Soup
Mr. Negative by Kenn Nesbitt
Mr. Negative
My Pig Won’t Let Me Watch TV
Hello, My Name is Madison
A Valentine for Mom
The Aliens Have Landed!
A Dream of School Supplies
My Puppy Makes Pizza
I Bought a New Banana Suit
My Ugly Pug
Lonely Phone
My Sister’s Pretty Picky
From the Ants in Our Petnuia Bed
I’m Not Picky
My Penmanship Is Pretty Bad by Kenn Nesbitt
My Penmanship Is Pretty Bad
School Supplies by Kenn Nesbitt
School Supplies