The Monsters’ Thanksgiving
When monsters spend Thanksgiving
at the house of Frankenstein,
the feast is full of frankenfoods.
That’s how they like to dine.
They each will bring a favorite dish
and share it with the group.
The Blob provides the Jell-o and
the Fly supplies the soup.
The Creature from the Black Lagoon
makes slimy stewed tomatoes.
The Wolfman and Godzilla share
their monster mash potatoes.
The Zombie drops some finger foods.
The Thing makes lots of things.
The Phantom of the Opera serves
some stuffing as he sings.
The Mummy brings a bubbling bowl
of gravy from his grave.
And Dracula doles out dessert…
blood pudding from his cave.
They do this each November, and
do not invite the living.
They simply dine with Frankenstein
to celebrate Franksgiving.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 4
Topics: Halloween, Holiday Poems, Monster Poems, Thanksgiving
Poetic Techniques: Alliteration, Descriptive Poems, List Poems, Pun Poems, Wordplay
Word Count: 130
About This Poem
Ideas for poems can come from lots of different places. Sometimes when I write a poem, the idea starts with a single word or a phrase. In this case, I was thinking about the upcoming holidays, Halloween and Thanksgiving. Halloween made me think of monsters, including Frankenstein’s monster, which made me think of “Frankenstein’s Thanksgiving.” It occurred to me that it might be fun to write a single poem that combines Halloween and Thanksgiving into a single holiday. This poem is the result.
If you like this poem, here are a few others you might enjoy:
- The Monster’s Musical Contest
- Advice from Dracula
- It’s Halloween, My Face Is Green
- When Frankenstein Sat Down to Dine
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