In-Person Author Visits

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Kenn Nesbitt PresentingThroughout the school year, I visit schools in person all across the country. The goal of my “stand-up comedy, poetry-writing assembly programs” is to show kids just how much fun they can have with a book and how easy it is to write poetry that they and their friends will enjoy. I get kids laughing so hard that they can’t wait to go to the library to read more poetry, and they are actually eager to write. Sound hard to believe? Read what other schools have said about my visits.

Schedule a visit via StorySeer  

Here are some examples of the types of programs I can provide. If your school has other, specific requirements, please contact me so we can tailor a program to suit your needs.

  • Program #1: Poetry-Writing Assembly Program (one hour)
    Students experience funny poetry, learn where to find poetry in the library, and collaborate to write a new funny poem from scratch. For grades Pre-K and up.
  • Program #2: Poetry Writing Workshop (one hour)
    Intermediate grade students work in small groups to create their own funny poems. This program is especially suited to students who have already seen program #1. For grades 4 and up.
  • Program #3: After-School Teacher Workshop (one hour)
    Teachers learn why poetry is important, how to get kids hooked on poetry, and how to teach poetry in a way that will have even the most reluctant readers checking books out of the library, and reluctant writers excited about composing new poems.
  • Program #4: Evening Presentation for Parents (one hour)
    Parents experience exciting, funny poetry, and learn how poetry can get their kids enthusiastic about reading and writing.
  • Program #5: Autographing / Book Signing
    Students can get their books personally autographed to them, creating a keepsake and souvenir of my visit.
  • Program #6: Classroom Q&A (10-60 minutes per class)
    Students have an opportunity to ask questions and interact with the author in an informal and comfortable setting.

If you don’t feel that your school can afford an in-person author visit, but you would still like your students to connect with an author in an engaging and motivational way, click here for more information about my Skype online author visit programs.

Want More Information?

Fill out this form to receive more information about Kenn Nesbitt’s in-person and online school and library visit programs.