publication: When the Teacher Isn't Looking

Poems from When the Teacher Isn’t Looking.

Our Mother's at a Meeting by Kenn Nesbitt
Our Mother’s at a Meeting
Jessica Jean by Kenn Nesbitt
Jessica Jean
The Dragon on the Playground by Kenn Nesbitt
The Dragon on the Playground
Alex's Allergy by Kenn Nesbitt
Alex’s Allergy
December Substitute by Kenn Nesbitt
December Substitute
Ancient Romans Ancient Greeks by Kenn Nesbitt
Ancient Romans, Ancient Greeks
Samantha Cinderella Scott by Kenn Nesbitt
Samantha Cinderella Scott
Jim Sox by Kenn Nesbitt
Jim Sox
Everyone's from Somewhere Else by Kenn Nesbitt
Everyone’s from Somewhere Else
Ants in the Lunchroom by Kenn Nesbitt
Ants in the Lunchroom
Betsy Burped the ABCs by Kenn Nesbitt
Betsy Burped the ABC’s
Brandon Bransons Backpack by Kenn Nesbitt
Brandon Branson’s Backpack
Patricia Brought Her Parakeet by Kenn Nesbitt
Patricia Brought Her Parakeet
Bored by Kenn Nesbitt
I'm Practicing Telepathy by Kenn Nesbitt
I’m Practicing Telepathy
Amanda Ate an Orange by Kenn Nesbitt
Amanda Ate an Orange
Alphabetical Order by Kenn Nesbitt
Alphabetical Order
What the Teachers Saw at Recess by Kenn Nesbitt
What the Teachers Saw at Recess
Rest in Peas by Kenn Nesbitt
Rest in Peas