poetic device: Punctuation

These poems make extensive or unusual use of punctuation such as commas, hyphens, parentheses, emojis, mixed-up spelling, and so on.

1 H0P3 7H47 Y0U C4N R34D 7H15
Joe the Emoji
I’m Srot of Srcmabled Up Tdaoy
I'm Really Good at Texting by Kenn Nesbitt
im rlly gd @ txting
Hap-the-Happy-Hyphenator by Kenn Nesbitt
Brody the Emoticon by Kenn Nesbitt
Brody the Emoticon
I'm Always in Parentheses by Kenn Nesbitt
(I’m Always in Parentheses)
It's Fun to Leave the Spaces Out by Kenn Nesbitt