It’s Lonely as a Boa
It’s lonely as a boa.
Though I’m just a simple snake,
people frequently will see me
and begin to sob and shake.
They expect that I may hurt them,
but that simply isn’t true.
So, you shouldn’t get unsettled
when I wriggle up your shoe.
If I slide a little higher,
it’s okay to stay at ease.
It’s a sign of my affection
if I slip around your knees.
You can tell I’m being friendly
when you notice you’re embraced
by my kind and calm caresses
as I wind around your waist.
If you sense a tender tickle
as I slither up your arm,
you can rest assured I certainly
don’t mean you any harm.
And I always love a hug, so if
I wrap around your chest,
this is just my way of telling you
I think that you’re the best.
Yes, it’s lonely as a boa,
being so misunderstood.
If you knew the real me, you’d see
I’m peaceful, sweet, and good.
I’m as harmless as a kitten.
I’m as gentle as a breeze.
And you needn’t be afraid
until you feel me start to squeeze.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2025. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 4
Topics: Animal Poems
Poetic Techniques: Alliteration, Anthropomorphism & Personification, Assonance, Descriptive Poems, Imagery, Metaphor and Simile
Word Count: 208
About This Poem
When I was a kid, my family had all sorts of pets, but one of the most unique was a boa constrictor we had when I was about nine years old. Despite what some people might think, our boa was a wonderful pet—friendly, gentle, and surprisingly calm. I’ve always found it fascinating how snakes, even harmless ones like garter snakes or boas, can inspire such fear in people. That idea stuck with me as I wrote this poem, imagining how a boa might feel about being misunderstood. I hope it gives readers a new perspective on these incredible creatures—and maybe a chuckle too!
If you’d like to read a couple of more funny poems about silly snakes, take a look at these:
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