I’ll Never Ride the Waterslide
I’ll never ride the waterslide,
not after yesterday.
I tried the slide, then cried and cried.
I should have stayed away.
I banged my back and belly up.
My bottom’s badly bruised.
I heard it should be lots of fun.
I’m totally confused.
But still, I learn from my mistakes.
I will not do it twice.
I’ll never ride the slide again
in winter when it’s ice.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2025. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 1
Topics: Seasonal Poems, Sports
Poetic Techniques: Alliteration, Assonance, Imagery, Irony, Lyric & Dramatic Poems, Rhyme Schemes
Word Count: 73
About This Poem
When I was 11 years old, my school took the sixth graders on a field trip to the mountains where there was snow. Many of the kids brought sleds or inflatable tubes to ride down the hills, and I brought a tube as well. At first, I was too scared to ride it, so I sat out and watched. Unfortunately, I also forgot to bring my lunch that day. While the other kids were eating, I finally worked up the courage to try the hill. Let’s just say it didn’t go as planned—I ran into a tree and broke my leg.
Ever since then, I’ve been much more cautious about slides and other fast downhill activities, like skiing, sledding, skateboarding, and even cycling. This poem is a humorous take on that experience, with a winter twist. It’s also a reminder that sometimes being a little cautious isn’t such a bad idea!
By the way, if you enjoyed this poem, here are a couple of others you might like:
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