Write a Tanka
This Writing worksheet introduces students to the tanka, a five-line Japanese poetic form that tells a short story. Designed to accompany the How to Write a Tanka lesson, it begins with a clear definition of a tanka, explaining its narrative nature and the concept of a “pivot” line that connects the beginning of the story to the end. The worksheet outlines the rules for creating a tanka, detailing the specific syllable count for each line (5-7-5-7-7).
An example tanka about a nighttime encounter with a cat is provided, demonstrating how the form works in practice and how the pivot line functions to shift the focus of the poem. Students are then given space to compose their own tanka, with lines formatted to reflect the syllable count requirements.
This exercise enhances several skills, including understanding poetic forms, syllable counting, concise storytelling, and the ability to create a narrative turn within a brief structure. By crafting their own tankas, students learn to distill a story into a compact form, paying close attention to word choice, rhythm, and narrative development. This activity also encourages students to think about how to create a subtle shift or connection within a poem, fostering both their storytelling abilities and their understanding of poetic techniques.
Grade Level: Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5
Worksheet Type: Writing