Good Morning Mrs. Hamster

This Context Clues worksheet features a whimsical poem titled “Good Morning, Mrs. Hamster” from the book When the Teacher Isn’t Looking about a classroom experiment gone awry, resulting in an unexpected role reversal between a teacher and her pet hamster. Students are tasked with identifying three unfamiliar words and using context clues to define them. The activity combines reading comprehension, poetry analysis, and vocabulary development, making it suitable for grades 3-5.

Worksheet Thumbnail

Grade Level: Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5
Worksheet Type: Context Clues

Whoa There, Pardner!

Hold your horses! Kenn's the sheriff in these here parts and some of this whistle-stop is off-limits except to his deputies.

Join the posse for just one greenback a month to have the run of the place.

I've got my badge. Let me in! No thanks. I'll vamoose!