Our Holiday Shopping
From the book The Elephant Repairman
Our parents went holiday shopping online.
They ordered the presents and thought it was fine.
But, then, they forgot to turn off the computer,
and that’s when the baby, who couldn’t be cuter,
decided to play with the keyboard awhile.
She climbed up and pushed a few keys with a smile.
She bought a new blanket, a book, and a binkie,
a bottle, some blocks, and a sled, and a Slinky.
She ordered a dozen new puzzles and balls,
plus hundreds of teddy bears, diapers, and dolls.
And when she was done clicking keys for the day,
she giggled and got down and waddled away.
The cat came along and walked over the keys
and ordered some cat toys and treatments for fleas.
Our puppy jumped up and bought toys he could chew,
plus sweaters, and leashes, and tennis balls too.
And, lastly, our hamster sat down on the mouse,
and clicked to have everything shipped to our house.
The presents arrived just a day or two later.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything greater!
The drivers arrived and, before they were gone,
left thousands of packages out on our lawn.
It’s all so exciting, and will be until
our parents receive their next credit card bill.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2022. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 4
Topics: Animal Poems, Christmas, Holiday Poems, Poems about Friends and Family
Poetic Techniques: Alliteration, Anthropomorphism & Personification, Assonance, Narrative Poems
Word Count: 211
About This Poem
I recently saw a news article about a house in Tennessee where thousands of Amazon packages were piling up in the front yard. Although I read the article, I still don’t understand exactly what’s going on there. So I invented my own reason.
I wrote this poem to explain what might be happening inside a house that would cause thousands of packages to be delivered to the front lawn. I hope you like it!
Click here for a printable worksheet for this poem
From the book The Elephant Repairman
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